Submit a reportPlease submit one report per animal. You can submit as many reports as you want!By submitting a report, you grant researchers at Indiana University permission to use your report to study animal behavior. What country was the animal in? * U.S. Canada Mexico Which state or province was the animal in? * Did you experience totality (total eclipse)? * Yes No Not sure What best describes the animal you observed? Mammal (dog, cat, goat, mouse, etc.) Bird (pigeon, owl, chicken, parrot, etc.) Reptile / Amphibian (lizard, snake, frog, etc.) Fish (goldfish, trout, bass, etc.) Insect (cricket, beetle, worm, moth, etc.) Not sure / Other What kind of animal was it? (e.g., dog, cat, horse, goldfinch, cricket) * Are they a pet or wild animal? Pet Farm animal Wild animal Zoo animal How old do you think the animal is? Infant Young (not fully adult) Adult I don't know Where did you observe them? Inside a building Yard / park / farm Forest Sky Pond / stream / river City (e.g., parking lot) Zoo Other How did you observe them? I could see and hear them I could ONLY see them (e.g., through a window) I could ONLY hear them (e.g., they were out of view) Other How did their behavior change during totality? (Choose as many as you like) Moved MORE Moved LESS Made MORE noise Made LESS noise Moved towards or touched another animal of the same species Moved towards or touched a human Stretched / lay down (night time routine) Scratched / yawned / sneezed (possible anxiety) Looked around more Looked up at the sky Other Please describe your observation in as much detail as you'd like. * If you observed them before, during, and after totality, please give us as much detail as you can about what their behavior was like BEFORE the eclipse. Please also tell us when you observed them. If you observed them before, during, and after totality, please give us as much detail as you can about what their behavior was like AFTER the eclipse. Please also tell us when you observed them. If you'd like to receive updates about the study, please enter your email here. If you have a RECORDING (video, photo, or audio) of the animal you'd like to share with us, please let us know here and enter your email above. We'll send you a link to upload it. We won't share your recording without your permission! Yes I have a recording! How did you hear about us? News story Science fest Friend Other Thank you!