Playful teasing report form You can submit as many reports as you want!By submitting a report, you grant researchers at Indiana University permission to use your report to study animal behavior. What kind of animal did the teasing? (e.g., dog, cat, horse, crow, iguana) * What breed is the animal (if relevant)? Are they a pet or wild animal? Pet Farm animal Wild animal Zoo animal About how old was the animal during the teasing you saw? * Infant Young (not fully adult) Adult I don't know How many years old was the animal? (please skip if you don't know) Who was the target of the teasing behavior? Another animal of the same species Another animal of a different species A human I'm not sure How well does the teaser know the target? * Very well (they live together) Somewhat well (they don't live together but spend time together) Not very well (they have met but don't regularly interact) Not at all (they have never met) I don't know How good is the relationship between the the teaser and target? Very good (they are close friends) Somewhat good (they mostly get along) Somewhat poor (they mostly don't get along) Very poor (they are enemies) I don't know Which of the following best describes the teaser's behavior before the teasing event? * Arguing/Fighting Bored Eating Grooming/Bathing Playing Resting Other I don't know Please describe the behavior you observed in as much detail as you'd like. * How did the target respond? Very positively (play, embracing, sharing) Somewhat positively (looking at, moving towards) Somewhat negatively (swatting, looking away, moving away) Very negatively (threatening, biting, hitting) I don't know Sometimes we have follow-up questions about teasing events. If you give us permission to contact you if we have follow-up questions, please enter your email here. How did you hear about our study? News story Science fest Scientific American Friend Other Thank you!